Hyperhidrosis Underarm Sweating
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating. This common condition can drastically effect a persons confidence at work, in social situations, or play a huge part determining the clothes they feel comfortable wearing.
Hyperhidrosis can be treated with targeted botox to prevent the sweat glands from excessively sweating. Botox has been shown to result in a 82%-87% decrease in sweating with the effects becoming noticeable after 2-4 days and full results within 2 weeks.
PHoto copyrighted by Nick Grier Photography
Treatment FAQ’s
How does the treatment work?
Botox is injected into your underarm, this blocks the nerves responsible for activating your sweat glands. Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling itself down, however, for people with hyperhidrosis the nerves that signal the sweat glands are overactive.
What happens during my consultation ?
During your consultation a detailed medical history will be taken in order to ensure that the hyperhidrosis injections are the best treatment for you.
Desired outcomes and end results will be discussed to ensure that the correct treatment plan is created.
Potential risks and aftercare recommendations will be discussed, this will mean you are fully prepared for your treatment.
How do I prepare for my treatment ?
Leading up to your treatment, where possible avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications including Ibuprofen, Gingko Biloba, Vitamin E or fish oil supplements. These can all increase bruising and bleeding at the injection sight and extend the recovery time.
Arnica supplements have been shown to reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling from injectable procedures.
Ensure you have drank plenty of water before the treatment.
What happens on the day?
You will be made comfortable on the treatment couch.
Numbing cream can be applied to help with any discomfort.
Your consent forms and medical history will be checked.
You will be handed a mirror to discuss your desired outcomes from the procedure.
You will be asked if you have any phobia’s of needles.
The treatment area will be cleansed.
Your underarm will then be ‘marked up’ for the practitioner to inject.
How long will the results last for?
The full results may take up to 2 weeks and typically last around 6 months.
Who is not suitable for this treatment?
Anybody with an allergy or acknowledged hypersensitivity to Botulinum Toxin Type A or to any of its’ excipients e.g. human albumin, and sodium chloride.
Anyone who has a disease affecting your muscles and nerves (e.g. myasthenia gravis, Eaton Lambert Syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s syndrome).
Any skin infection at the site of injection.
Anyone currently pregnant or breastfeeding
Anybody who is having co-treatment with Aminoglycoside antibiotics, or medicinal products, that causes muscle relaxation, for example tubocurarine.
Treatment aftercare:
No Touching or rubbing the areas injected.
Avoid Physical Activity for the first 24 hours post treatment.
Don’t Take Painkillers or Drink Alcohol
Remain upright for 3 hours after the procedure.
Any kind of Facial, Massage, Beauty or Spa Treatment should also be avoided. This is because any touching of the treatment area risks spreading out the Botulinum Toxin.
It is imperative to avoid extreme temperatures DO NOT have a baths, hot saunas or vigorous exercise as you risk sweating out the Botulinum Toxin.
Avoid air travel for 48 hours post treatment is also recommended.