Wrinkle Softening Injections

Hyperactivity of the facial muscles over your lifetime can lead to unwanted fine lines and wrinkles appearing on the skin. Using specialised injections commonly referred to as ‘botox’, this wrinkle softening treatment works by blocking impulses to the muscles that are causing wrinkles. It’s an easy and convenient way to smooth the skin, as well as achieve a youthful and relaxed appearance.

Wrinkle Softening injections are the UK’s most popular cosmetic treatments for the reduction of wrinkles. It’s a fast acting, safe procedure that ensures the desired results for around 12 weeks.

The treatment includes a series of relatively painless injections in the specified facial muscles, the most effective results can be seen after 2 weeks.

Areas treated:

  • Bunny lines (nose)

  • Crow’s feet (eyes) -

  • Forehead

  • Glabella (frown lines)

  • Chin

  • Smoker’s lines (mouth lines)

  • Gummy smile

  • Jaw slimming

Price List:

  • 3 areas (upper face) £200 / Men £220

  • 5 areas advanced £300/ Men £320

Wrinkle softening injections by paula durance

Wrinkle softening injections by paula durance

Treatment FAQ’s

How does the treatment work ?

Botulinum Toxin A is a neurotoxin which is injected into the muscles to prevent the release of acetylchloline at the neuromuscular juntion. This chemical (acetylcholine) is normally released and passes a chemical message to the muscle to allow it to contract. When this message is blocked the muscle fibres are temporarily paralysed and unable to contract, consequently relaxing the muscle and the skin. As the muscle is unable to contract as much it can prevent wrinkles from forming, improves static wrinkles and prevents existing wrinkles becoming deeper lines/folds.

How do I prepare for my treatment ?

Leading up to your treatment, where possible avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications including Ibuprofen, Gingko Biloba, Vitamin E or fish oil supplements. These can all increase bruising and bleeding at the injection sight and extend the recovery time.

Arnica supplements have been shown to reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling from injectable procedures.

Ensure you have drank plenty of water before the treatment.

What happens during my consultation ?

During your consultation a detailed medical history will be taken in order to ensure that the wrinkle softening injections are the best treatment for you.

Desired outcomes and end results will be discussed to ensure that the correct treatment plan is created.

Potential risks and aftercare recommendations will be discussed, this will mean you are fully prepared for your wrinkle softening injections.

What is the expected recovery time ?

Expected recovery time is 24 hours. Bruising is possible and can last between 7-10 days, depending on the person.

What happens on the day?

  • You will be made comfortable on the treatment couch.

  • Numbing cream can be applied to help with any discomfort.

  • Your consent forms and medical history will be checked.

  • You will be handed a mirror to discuss your desired outcomes from the procedure.

  • You will be asked if you have any phobia’s of needles.

  • The treatment area will be cleansed.

  • Your face will then be ‘marked up’ for the practitioner to inject.

How long do the results last ?

Results can last up to 3-4 months depending on the individual.

Who is not suitable for this treatment ?

  • Anybody with an allergy or acknowledged hypersensitivity to Botulinum Toxin Type A or to any of its’ excipients e.g. human albumin, and sodium chloride.

  • Anyone who has a disease affecting your muscles and nerves (e.g. myasthenia gravis, Eaton Lambert Syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s syndrome).

  • Any skin infection at the site of injection.

  • Anyone currently pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Anybody who is having co-treatment with Aminoglycoside antibiotics, or medicinal products, that causes muscle relaxation, for example tubocurarine

What aftercare is advised ?


  • No touching or rubbing the injected areas.

  • Avoid physical activity for the first 24 hours after your treatment.

  • Don’t take painkillers.

  • Don’t drink any alcohol.

  • Remain upright for 3 hours after the procedure.

  • Do not lay directly on your face.


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